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5 Tips for Better Naps

Did you know that a coffee nap can be an effective way to recharge? There are also a few other tips to keep in mind when taking a nap. Whether you've had a busy day or just need a quick break, this micro-learning will highlight five things to consider for a successful nap.

Course Type: Microlearning

Course Duration: 5 min

Escape Anxiety With a 5-Minute Grounding Practice

Anxiety can sometimes be overwhelming, but using a 5-minute grounding practice can make a difference. With tried and true relaxation techniques, getting in the right headspace for a clear mind when you need it most is possible. Escape anxiety with this 5-minute grounding practice.

Course Type: Microlearning

Course Duration: 5 min

Essential Lower Back Stretches

With the physical demands of our job, it’s imperative that we properly care for our bodies and our backs. This microlearning course will show you four essential lower back stretches to help you continue operating at your best.

Course Type: Microlearning

Course Duration: 5 min