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Course Type: Full-length Course
Duration: 60 min
JEMS CEUs: Fluid Resuscitation in Trauma Patients
Presented By: JEMS Training

Course Description

Topic: EMS | JEMS CEUs

Fluid resuscitation is a critical component in the management of hemorrhage and trauma. This JEMS CEU course will discuss key components of fluid resuscitation, including the use of normal saline and crystalloids in trauma, prehospital hemorrhage resuscitation, fluid management in hemorrhagic shock, and the use of whole blood. This course will also examine the use of warm saline and rapid infusion techniques for prehospital blood transfusions. During this course, learners will evaluate the pros and cons of normal saline, heated saline, prehospital packed red blood cells (pRBC) with plasma, whole blood, and crystalloid infusion.

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Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 60 min