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Jim Bazluki

Jim Bazluki, MAEd, LAT, SCAT, ATC, EMT, is a manager of athletic training at Atrium Health Musculoskeletal Institute and was chair of the Governmental Affairs, Scholarship, Bylaws, and Public Relations committees. Jim has also served as vice president of the North Carolina Athletic Trainers’ Association (NCATA) Board of Directors. He has been inducted into the NCATA Hall of Fame for his contributions to student-athletes over the years.
COURSES BY Jim Bazluki

EMS and Athletic Training

Athletic trainers are medical professionals who work directly with athletes to prevent injuries from happening but also to care for those injuries when they do occur. Working hand in hand with EMS providers is important to ensure a smooth treatment and transition of patients both on and off the field. In this course, we will review how EMS providers and athletic trainers can work together to achieve this and create a better working relationship for all involved.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 60 min