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Dr. David S. Lambert

David S. Lambert, MD, FACEP, is Chief of the Division of Hyperbaric and Undersea Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He is also an associate professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine. He is an undersea and hyperbaric medicine specialist with over 25 years in the medical field.
COURSES BY Dr. David S. Lambert

Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide (CO) is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, making it difficult to identify without the use of a detector. It is created during an incomplete combustion of organic materials, and can be released from many different sources, like car exhaust, burning of natural gases, and forest fires. Patients suffering from acute carbon monoxide poisoning can have immediate and long-lasting effects from exposure. In this course we will review actions EMS providers should take when working with patients suffering from CO poisoning, the delayed injuries that may be caused, and what EMS providers should look for when diagnosing.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 60 min

Basic Airway Techniques

Ensuring an efficient and effective airway is crucial for patient survival. Throughout this course, there will be demonstrations of airway techniques to assist and treat patients experiencing respiratory emergencies.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 60 min