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Yale New Haven Center for EMS

Yale New Haven Hospital Center for EMS provides medical oversight to paramedics and EMTs operating in 27 EMS agencies throughout greater New Haven. The Center also providers Emergency Medical Technician courses, a nationally accredited Paramedic program, and American Heart Association courses.
COURSES BY Yale New Haven Center for EMS

Medic Moment: SALAD Technique

Substance abuse causes harm to more people than just the abuser. Are the effects of cannabis different than other controlled substances? What do I need to know about cannabis as it relates to workplace safety? This course teaches workers what substance abuse is and it outlines the costs of substance abuse to employers and co-workers. It also provides facts about commonly abused substances and how to reduce the risks of substance abuse. This course will also discuss the properties of cannabis, its effects, potential consequences of working while impaired and strategies you can use at your workplace to keep everyone safe. This course is ideal for all learners.

Course Type: Short Video

Course Duration: 6 min

Medic Moment: Supraglottic Airways

Most vehicle accidents are actually the result of human error. If an error is made at the wrong moment, an accident or collision will result. A consistent, defensive approach to driving is the best way to reduce the likelihood of driver error. The goal of this course is to provide drivers of large vehicles with the knowledge and safe driving techniques they need to prevent collisions and violations. A split-second decision can change your life, especially when you are behind the wheel of a fast-moving, heavy vehicle. This course will also discuss distracted driving, changing lanes safely, speed effects on stopping distance, tailgating, and extreme driving conditions (such as rain, snow, ice, fog, or extremely hot or cold weather).

Course Type: Short Video

Course Duration: 8 min

Medic Moment: Surgical Cricothyrotomy

Many people think of a confined space as a small, dark space like a closet or crawl space. Confined spaces include much more than just tight spaces with limited light. They have shared characteristics that you can use to better identify them. If one of your co-workers passed out in a confined space, would you go in to rescue him? Can you be sure the air in the space is safe? This training will help you understand the risks associated with confined spaces and the procedures your employer has in place to protect you and those around you. Do not take this information lightly as it can make the difference between life and death!

Course Type: Short Video

Course Duration: 8 min

Medic Moment: Transcutaneous Pacing

A single exposure to an airborne chemical can cause health effects that may last for the rest of your life. If your workplace contains dangerous chemicals or hazardous atmospheres, you must know when and how to wear a respirator. This training will present the basic requirements of respiratory protection and focus on respirators' types and limitations.

Course Type: Short Video

Course Duration: 11 min