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Course Type: Full-length Course
Duration: 60 min
Community Paramedicine and Children
Presented By: Jonathon Feit

Course Description

Mobile Integrated Health/Community Paramedicine programs continue to lament facing challenges when it comes to the measurement of their programs’ efficacy, and as a result, their ability to get paid for their work. But one of the pervasive questions in recent years – especially since the COVID-19 pandemic challenged the economics of both Mobile Medicine and hospital-based medicine – is whether the areas of traditional investment are those that generate the greatest return along clinical, operational and financial lines. What, and who, are being overlooked? This course features a discussion about artificial intelligence in Mobile Medicine, we will argue that patients at the beginning and the end of their lives have been largely left out of the conversation (hence why aligning MIH/CP with hospice is still a rare approach). Focusing MIH/CP efforts on children, however, can be especially effective – and we think every program should do so – because caring for kids cuts through the noise and the politics. As a result, it commands resources in service of children with special health needs, and those who care for them.

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