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Dwayne Monical III

COURSES BY Dwayne Monical III

Endocrine Emergencies (ALS)

The endocrine system plays a key role in managing fluid balance, hormones, electrolytes, and chemicals to maintain homeostasis in the body. Parts of this system may fail for various reasons, warranting EMS intervention. In this course, we’ll review the endocrine system and its structures. Then, we’ll examine the causes, symptoms, and treatment for diabetic emergencies like diabetic ketoacidosis, thyroid disorders, including thyroid storm and myxedema, adrenal gland disorders (like Cushing's disease and Addison's disease), and finally parathyroid gland emergencies, including hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 90 min

Endocrine Emergencies (BLS)

The endocrine system plays a key role in managing fluid balance, hormones, electrolytes, and chemicals to maintain homeostasis in the body. Parts of this system may fail for various reasons, warranting EMS intervention. In this course, we’ll review the endocrine system and its structures. Then, we’ll examine the causes, symptoms, and treatment for diabetic emergencies like diabetic ketoacidosis, thyroid disorders, including thyroid storm and myxedema, adrenal gland disorders (like Cushing's disease and Addison's disease), and finally parathyroid gland emergencies, including hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 90 min