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FDIC and JEMS Con Instructors

COURSES BY FDIC and JEMS Con Instructors


This course is a collection of microlearning courses that focus on how EKGs and ECMO may be used in the field. Industry leaders from FDIC and JEMS conference talk about how ECMO if used properly can affect patient outcomes, the future of ECMO, accurate EKG interpretation and much more.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 30 min

EMS Operations: Evidence-Based Medicine, Water Operations, and Training

EMS Operations covers a variety of different situations. In this collection of microlearning's you will learn about the common myths in the industry as tell as evaluating treatment method in evidence based medicine, the pitfalls of water operations, how training counts and the importance of self-aid buddy aid.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 60 min

Improving Assessment and Pediatric Care

This course is a collection of microlearning courses that focus on assessments with pediatric patients. In the courses there are industry leaders that will explain the difficulties in accessing pediatric patients as well as how to gain medical history from parents and guardians that matter. Also it will focus on how to provide high quality care for pediatric patients.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 30 min

Pharmacology and Toxicology in EMS

As an EMS professional one area that is often not discussed but is an important part of your role is pharmacology and toxicology. We will explore in this collection of microlearning's current trends, exposure to fentanyl and other toxic substances, medication errors, and auto injectors.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 30 min